Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Looking back, looking ahead...

Next Monday, March 23rd is going to be a very special night with an out of the ordinary setup.

This past Monday, we saw the effects (& stats) of those that are affected by dirty water. One of the first projects that we've taken up as a group who want to make a difference is to dig a well in an African village where 30,000 people will be the beneficiaries. It's amazing to see how God can use a group from Atlanta to impact the lives of so many so far away. We'll be hearing a real account next week of just how difficult it can be. And, we'll have a visible reminder of how we can make more of a difference together than we can apart.

Dave reminded us all last night that our God is a creative, amazing God. Join us in the next few weeks to see how He uses people in His creative process. We're grateful for all the support we've seen at PRIME, now we want to get the word out and make the biggest possible contribution to God's Kingdom and to hurting people that we can possibly make. Please consider this week who you can invite to next week's PRIME and let's go make a difference in our community and our world.

1 comment:

brookie said...

ohhh maaaannnnn I cannot wait!!!!!