Monday, November 24, 2008


Thursday, September 25, 2008 at 06:44PM
If you live anywhere in the Atlanta area, you too have enjoyed the unexpected gas shortages of recent days. Many of us have pulled into a station only to find it empty, or at painfully high prices when we finally hit the jackpot.
Today I waited for 20 minutes in line at a local station with about 939 other nearly empty (and impatient) drivers. Although I’m better at it than I used to be, patience has never been a particular strength. But today was a rare exception, I was sincerely grateful to have found a source of gas after much searching. After witnessing some near brawls, I left happily (and poorer) with my tank full.
“ but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:14
Jesus explains to a Samaritan woman at a well that He could offer her a drink of a different kind - a water that wouldn’t run dry, or fail to quench thirst. I’ve thought about this verse many times, and wondered “Lord, I get spiritually thirsty a lot, and I know people that get tired, weary and thirsty too”. Whether it’s a gas shortage, broken relationship or circumstances beyond our control one thing is clear… life is hard. What did He mean that if we drink the water He offers we would never thirst again?
I’m no scholar, but I think that the key is realizing the source. I’ve found Christ to be the only real source of forgiveness and relief for my soul, and unlike gas these days, His offer never runs out. If we’ve never met Him there, that is our first invitation. If we’ve already met Him and experienced forgiveness, the point is not that we’ll never become spiritually “thirsty” again. I think the point is that when we do get “thirsty”, we now know where to go to get our thirst quenched.
Just like I’ll have to return for gas when I’m running low, spiritually I need to return to Him as my source to nourish my soul on a regular basis. And the good news?... That kind of source never runs dry.

Enjoy knowing Him,

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