Wednesday, July 22, 2009

August PRIME
Monday, August 10th is our next gathering. Join us for this final monthly meeting in the summer and get ready to go weekly beginning September 14th! Andy Savage is back with a great talk on relationships and the PRIME band is gearing up to lead a great night of worship.

Come be a part of something very special. It's a privilege to be a part of serving the Kingdom with this generation.

Steve Gillis
College/20's Pastor, FBCW

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer PRIME #2 this Monday, July 13th!

Hey Everyone,
Well it's been a great summer so far and we are back on this Monday night, July 13th at 7:30pm in the Warehouse. Andy Savage is back and the PRIME band will lead worship. Bring a friend and come be challenged to live a life that counts.
